"You're 100 percent correct"

It doesn't matter what you're arguing about—your partner just wants to be right. This is he/she's weakness; you can use it like judo, turning their own momentum against them. Saying two little words, "You're right," is the verbal equivalent of darting a raging elephant with animal tranquilizers. It gives your partner what he/she wants, reducing tensions and leaving the way open for you to get what you want. Try it: "You're right, but I still want to go to the party." Meet every protest and argument he/she makes, no matter how ridiculously false, with the observation that he/she is absolutely correct…but you still want what you want. In boxing this is called rope-a-dope, and even if you don't know what the rope part means, the dope part sounds pretty applicable. This is called win-win—except you did and he/she didn't.